Summer W.O.W. Preschool Camps

Summer W.O.W. Preschool Camps


Summer W.O.W. Weekly Camp Themes:

Science Camps:  “Going Green- Caring for God’s Green Earth” ; “Air All Around Us- High Flying Faith”;  “Cooking Up Some Fun”; “Water All Around Us”; “Super Science- God’s Love is Powerful”; “Rocks and Fossils- God is so Great!”

Theme Camps: “God’s Colorful World-Art and Colors”; “God Bless America”; “Fiesta Friends- Jesus Fires Up our Hearths”; “All God’s Creatures Great and Small”; “Sports Camp- All Stars for Jesus”; Vacation Bible School (theme updates yearly)

Worlds of Wonder Summer Fun!

The Summer W.O.W. camps offer fun experiences and exciting activities for current or enrolled Discovery Center children through weekly Bible-themed camps. 
Children strengthen friendships while exploring Bible stories, science experiments, outdoor play and bi-monthly soccer and dance specialists.

Summer WOW Registration Information available after student is confirmed for the School Year.

Summer Classrooms:

Toddlers- 16 or 20 months by June 1st. (Forest Lake-16 mo, Stillwater-16 mo, Mahtomedi-20 mo, White Bear Lake/Community of Grace-16 mo, White Bear Lake/Redeemer, 20 mo
Young Three’s– 3 by June 1st (Forest Lake, Stillwater, Mahtomedi, White Bear Lake)
Preschool- 3.5 years by June 1st, 4 & 5 year olds. (All Summer WOW Locations)


Large Motor
Summer W.O.W. Preschool Camps
Explorers Program Toddlers
Schedule A Tour