Support The Lake Area Discovery Center


Got some shopping to do? Use Amazon Smile. It’s just like shopping at, except Amazon Smile donates .5% of every order to your charity of choice, including LADC!



LADC is a non-profit program. To maintain our non-profit status, we are required to run at least one fundraiser each year. The Bike-A-Thon/Family Festival celebrates families during a fun festival of free food, activities, bike-parade and more! Families. (Some locations join the school-partner fundraising/event in place of a bike-a-thon). Discovery Center families commit to $100 ($150 family max) to fulfill the fundraising requirement. The proceeds go toward Classroom Enrichment, Accreditation Criteria, Area Community Support ProgramsĀ and the LADC Scholarship Fund, giving over $70,000 annually.



Employers who work for a company associated with United have the option to give money taken out of their paycheck pre-tax and designate to any non-profit organization of their choice. LADC is eligible to receive these dedicated funds from United Way. Donors considering designating their United Way pledge to LADC, enter info: Lake Area Discovery CenterĀ  3770 Bellaire Ave, White Bear Lake MN 55110. Federal Tax ID #41-1937239.


Support LADCGiveMN

GiveMN is a giving website available year-round to link people with nonprofits and schools, helping make them soar. Look up Lake Area Discovery Center’s page and donate today!

GiveMN launched in 2009 as a collaborative venture led by Minnesota Community Foundation and many other organizations committed to helping make our state a better place. To generate excitement, they organized “Give to the Max Day”. That spark touched off a blast of online giving- $14 million in 24 hours. Since that trial run in 2009, Give to the Max Day has become an annual tradition. Every year thousands of organizations raise money to improve the quality of life in Minnesota and communities around the world.